A Journey To Serenity

Written by Nawika Sharma

Koel River

A few years ago, when I was trying to establish my career, I was presented with an opportunity that would turn into a long association and forever left a lasting impression. I was offered the chance to conduct a month-long training session for a prominent Indian MNC. The catch? The session would take place at their central training academy situated in a village in Jharkhand—a place I knew little about, moreover there was not much positive news circulating about the state itself. Nevertheless, driven by my determination to seize the contract, I took the risk and embarked on this venture alone without hesitation. Looking back now, I can confidently affirm that it was one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made.

The journey to the village was a 12-hour train ride and it reached in the wee hours of the morning, someone from the company was there to receive me. Situated on the banks of the Koel River, the campus was just a ten-minute drive away. My accommodation for the duration of the training was provided in the company guesthouse within the campus. As it was still early morning upon arrival, I took the opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Refreshed and rejuvenated after breakfast, I set out to explore my new surroundings, and it was then that the true essence of the place dawned on me.

As I stood on the threshold of the guesthouse observing the buzz of activity all around, I felt the underlying tranquility that pervaded the air. It was as if the place possessed its own innate energy, radiating a sense of peace and calmness that gradually enveloped me with each passing day. The guesthouse was located in the heart of the campus along the main road. The road was flanked by magnificent Mango trees on both sides. Stepping outside the gate to the left, I was greeted by a meticulously maintained garden, adorned with two enchanting gazebos covered in lush creepers. On the right side of the road, a sprawling ground came to life with morning and evening activities. Continuing past the guesthouse, the road led to the classrooms, hostels, and a small residential area for the staff.

Right opposite the guesthouse I saw a a pathway, intrigued by the possibilities that lay ahead, I ventured off and discovered —a small pond teeming with fish, nestled amidst a cluster of Guava trees and other variety of trees. Continuing along the road, I eventually stumbled upon a Sarvdharm temple, gracefully poised above a meandering stream. The temple, a symbol of peace and unity, added to the overall serenity of the surroundings.

Railway Bridge across Koel River

The campus was on the banks of Koel river, spanning the width of the Koel River were two bridges. The first was an old, majestic railway bridge that witnessed a handful of trains passing through each day, while for the rest of the time, it served as a pathway for pedestrians. Though it appeared deceptively easy from a distance, when I tried to walk across, it was scary as there were missing planks and I had to retreat after a few steps . Nonetheless, the bridge stood as a testament to its enduring strength and grandeur, having withstood the test of time. The second bridge, connected the village to the nearby market and railway station, presenting scenes of vehicles in motion and a steady flow of pedestrians going about their daily activities.

During the scorching summer months, the Koel River would often run dry, yet when the rainy season arrived, its waters would swell, occasionally flooding parts of the campus. I had arrived when it was not fully dry and in the midst of the riverbed, a circle of rocks emerged creating a tranquil lagoon. Like clockwork, every afternoon, a group of schoolboys would gather by the lagoon to enjoy a dip. It served as their meeting point, and their laughter and chatter would reverberate through the stillness of the surroundings.

As dusk descended, a symphony of insects serenaded the air, accompanied by the return of birds to their nests. Surprisingly, despite the lack of television and a less-than-ideal internet connection, I found no desire for external distractions. Instead, I reveled in the simplicity and tranquility that surrounded me. Moreover, amidst my stay, I fell in love with a culinary masterpiece known as Litti Chokha. This mouth-watering delicacy was expertly prepared by Kuhi Ramji (the cook) and I can vouch for it nobody can replicate his flavours and textures.

 The outskirts of the campus, bore a striking resemblance to the moors portrayed in Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights." The languid pace of life within its borders lured one into believing that no existence extended beyond its idyllic confines. Yet, the occasional passage of a night train, its windows ablaze with light, served as a gentle reminder of life beyond this tranquil haven.

I have been to this campus repeatedly and every time when I visit it reminds me that profound beauty can be found in simplicity, and that sometimes the most rewarding experiences came from venturing off the beaten path.



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