Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Confessions of a Netflix Addict 

Written by Nawika Sharma

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Throughout history there have been countless discoveries, inventions, and innovative ideas that have shaped our world and left a lasting impact on our lives. From the printing press to the compass to the telephone, these breakthroughs have brought about cultural shifts, influencing our perspectives, behaviours and the way we think and ultimately bringing people closer together. And in this ever-evolving narrative, there is one idea in our times that stands out: Netflix.

For me, Netflix is so much more than just a source of entertainment. It has been my refuge during times of heartbreak, my companion when I’m lonely and my emotional outlet when I need a good laugh or a good cry. Through the various characters and compelling stories of its shows I’ve learnt lessons of life, re-discovered myself when I felt lost, developed a deeper understanding of the complexities of human relationships, analysed my own reactions to certain occurrences in life and most importantly discovered hope.

With just a click of a button, Netflix has transported me to distant lands and immersed me in vibrant cultures. I have lived, shopped, roamed the streets, participated in traditions and customs, fallen in love; all from the comfort of my living room. It has ignited a desire in me to wander through the bustling streets of Seoul to taste the tangy flavours of kimchi or savour the spiciness of tteokbokki from a humble roadside snack corner on a chilly evening, to raise a glass of ale, aged in wooden barrels in an old inn in the Scottish highland, eating Paella at a charming cafe in the cobblestone streets of Valencia and the curiosity to try hakarl, a traditional Icelandic dish, just to name a few.

I genuinely believe that the content I've consumed has enriched me as a person. It has broadened my horizons, fostered empathy, and provided me with a deeper appreciation for storytelling and the power of visual media. Netflix has become a catalyst for personal growth, cultural exploration and emotional connection.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Instilling the Joy of Reading in our Children

Written by Nawika Sharma

Many people value reading as a hobby and want to instill this habit in their children. My question is, as a parent is reading your hobby, how much time and effort do you put in inculcating this habit among your kids. It's essential to reflect on our own approach to reading. Do we actively invest time and effort in cultivating this habit? Or do we simply accompany them to bookstores, mindlessly spending money on a book without even engaging with the reading material or are we the type of individuals who nags their kids to read while being consumed by social media?

One crucial aspect we often overlook is that children are keen observers who mirror our language, mannerisms, and habits. As responsible adults, we hold the power to shape their world. If we desire our children to immerse themselves in the world of reading, we must make it an enjoyable experience. Reading should not feel like a task, but rather a natural and organic hobby. A gentle nudge from us can set them on the path of exploration. Above all, we must dedicate our most precious resource – time – and become role models ourselves. By regularly picking up a book and reading in their presence, and by sharing and discussing stories with them, we ignite their interest and inspire them to embark on their own reading journey.

I find Twinkle Khanna’s approach of nurturing the reading habit in her child both simple and highly effective. She has created a cozy reading corner where both of them spend their time immersed in the world of books. Their shared reading sessions, with a minimum goal of 25 pages per day, not only instill discipline but also ignites a deep passion for reading. This is a practical and achievable framework for parents who aspire to cultivate a life long reading habit in their own children.

Reading is not just a hobby; it is a gift we give to our children that lasts a lifetime. It is a passion that not only brings joy but also contributes immensely to their personal growth and self-reflection. As parents, we have the incredible opportunity to create a world where we can enrich their minds with knowledge, imagination, and empathy. So embark on this journey together with them and create a world of wonder and exploration through the joy of reading.



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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

A Lesson in Involvement

Written by Vinny Arora

In 2014,I found myself teaching at a reputed school in a city in Uttar Pradesh. It was that time of the quarter when parents eagerly gathered for the Parents Teachers Meet, seeking updates on their children's progress. As the class teacher for grade 10, I welcomed each parent with a smile, ready to discuss their child's academic journey.

Amidst the bustling atmosphere, a father and his son entered the room. The father's face held a hint of concern, while the son seemed a bit apprehensive. I greeted them warmly and made them comfortable, hoping to ease their worries. 

I informed the father that his son possessed great potential but struggled due to irregular attendance. To my surprise, the father's eyes widened in shock, and he turned to his son, blurting out in colloquial Hindi, "Hain, tum school nahin aate?" (what, you don't attend school?)

The son looked down, unable to meet his father's gaze. Sensing the tension in the room, I decided to intervene. I asked the son to fetch his notes from the Social Science Teacher, providing them an opportunity to speak privately. As the son left, curiosity took over, and I asked the father, "Sir, do you stay away because of work?" 

With a mixture of surprise and annoyance, the father replied, "Nahin Madam." (no, ma'am.) Determined to understand the situation, I continued probing gently, "Sir, do you leave early in the morning and return late at night?" The father sighed and responded, "arre, nahin nahin madam. Hum to subha 10 bajee jaate hain aur shaam main bhi jaldi hi aa jaate hain." (Well, no, ma'am. I leave at 10 in the morning and return early in the evening.)

At this point, a realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. "Toh phir aapko nahin pata ki aap ka beta school aata hai ki nahin?" (so, don't you know whether your son attends school or not?) I asked, puzzled by his nonchalant attitude. With a hint of mockery, the father replied, "Woh toh uski mummy ki pata hoga. Main toh in sab main nahin padta." (His mother would know about that. I don't bother with all these things.)

I was stunned. It became clear that the father had absolved himself of any responsibility regarding his son's education, believing it to be solely his wife's concern. The gravity of the situation hit me, and I felt compelled to address it.

I explained to the father that his son's education was not solely his wife's responsibility but a joint effort. I emphasized that his involvement was vital for the growth and success of their child. The father mumbled something that resembled an affirmation, a sheepish smile playing on his lips as he walked away.

As I reflected on this encounter, I couldn't help but ponder the importance of meaningful contribution from all stakeholders in education. Parents, teachers, and students themselves must work together to create an environment conducive to learning and growth. Education extends beyond the confines of a classroom. By embracing their roles, parents, teachers, and students can shape a brighter future through quality education.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Early Career Mistake: Lessons Learned

Written by Nawika Sharma

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

My first job was as a school teacher at one of the prominent schools in my hometown and I lasted there only for a year. Fresh out of college with a master's degree in Education, brimming with innovative ideas and eager to put them into action. The vision was clear - to reshape the classroom environment by creating a more student centered learning experience and fostering an environment where teaching would engage and empower students. In my schools days I had suffered at the hands of the jaded system, and I was determined that no student in my class would have to endure the same frustrations and limitations.

I eagerly embarked on the new job and wasted no time in implementing my ideas in the class. As a result, my work was appreciated, it didn't take long for the principal to assign me additional responsibilities that overshadowed some of the older staff. This created a lot unintended tension and conflict. Looking back, I realize that I was naive to think that bringing about change would be as simple as having good intentions.

In my haste to implement my ideas, I neglected the most crucial aspect of working: building relationships with my colleagues. I rarely interacted with others, as I had no inclination to form social ties or align myself with any particular group. Furthermore, I was already burdened with a heavy workload.

As it always happens wherever there are groups of people, there will inevitably be political dynamics at play, and a school is no exception. While I didn't oppose or disrespect anyone, I didn't conform to the status quo either. This discrepancy added to the challenges I faced. This is where my master degree failed me as it did not prepare me to navigate through the complexities of the real world.

Nobody taught me the importance of establishing a support system in the workplace. It was my arrogance that I underestimated the significance of having a network of like-minded individuals. Through experience, I learned that we cannot be lone crusaders in our pursuits. It is essential to create connections and foster relationships, as they enable us to understand and address others' concerns, as well as clarify our own intentions. Forging these connections allows us to navigate through challenges, soothe egos, and demystify our true objectives.

Building relationships, communication, and adaptability are vital for success beyond academic qualifications and yet this crucial aspect is overlooked and undervalued.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Discovering Delights in the Valley

Written by Nawika Sharma

Nigeen Lake, Srinagar

I stayed in Kashmir for a month, it was my first trip to the region and stayed at a beautifully adorned houseboat on Nigeen Lake. While most people prefer the bustling Dal Lake, if you are looking for peace, quiet and charming hosts, this is the place to be.

Srinagar is often celebrated for its tourist attractions, what made the city memorable to me were the culinary delights found in the local bakeries and cafes. They serve some of the best walnut fudge cakes and coconut cookies. Srinagar resides at the crossroads of the old and the contemporary, where the past and the present intertwine. Every bend of the road holds the potential for a new discovery, my days were spent aimlessly roaming around the city, stopping at cafes, discovering hidden nooks and corners that guidebooks or social media failed to mention, or simply sitting and observing people as they went about their daily chores or work.

One particular place I frequented among the numerous bridges in Srinagar was the Zero Bridge (the name fascinated me), an old wooden arch bridge. At the end of this bridge, there was a small café frequented by a young crowd, with friendly staff, coffee and knick-knacks. Many of my evenings were spent there when I felt the need to venture out into a familiar world.

My mornings were spent on the houseboat deck, soaking in the crisp winter sun, with a hot cup of tea, savouring the breathtaking view of the majestic mountains and the graceful Chinar trees. I felt a profound sense of stillness sitting there, it seemed as if time had momentarily paused and the world was at peace.

For breakfast I relished the Kashmiri bread, called as Girda and Tilvor: the desi doughnut, this local delicacy is unique to Kashmir. Most households don’t make breakfast they get this freshly baked bread from the countless small local bakeries spread in their neighbourhood, lather it with butter or jam and eat with a steaming cup of tea.

Each morning near the houseboat, a solitary fisherman sat in a small boat. From dawn till dusk, he remained immersed in his task, seemingly as serene and still as the waters that surrounded him. After a few days, I began to greet him upon his arrival and inquire about his daily catch as he departed in the evenings. Typically, he would return with only one or two fish, but he appeared content with his modest bounty. I often wondered what thoughts occupied his mind as he sat alone in that boat, devoid of phone or other distractions. Had he discovered something that we, caught in the chaos of modern life, were unknowingly chasing after?

This trip to Kashmir was made on a whim. I didn't know much about the place, only what I had heard or seen from others. However, it turned into a journey of serenity, flavors, and contemplation that will forever hold a special place in my heart.


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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Midnight Muddle

Written by Nawika Sharma

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

We recently hired a new driver, and it had only been a week when for the first time he drove me to my maternal uncle's house in Chandigarh. Since I had to stay overnight, I requested the driver to drop me off. My previous driver was familiar with my schedule and how things worked in our household.

On the day of the trip, I calculated the estimated travel time to Chandigarh, considering that the driver would be able to reach home on time after dropping me off. We set off, and during the journey, I briefly asked the driver about his family and then got engrossed in my work. We arrived on time, and upon reaching my uncle's house, he kindly invited the driver inside for refreshments. After a few minutes, I informed the driver that he could leave and got engrossed in conversation with my relatives, I lost track of time.

Around 9:30 p.m., I received a call from the driver's wife, who inquired about his whereabouts. Assuming that he had already reached home, I asked her to call him. To my surprise, she informed me that he had forgotten his phone at home. After half an hour, I called her again to inquire if he had arrived, but he was still missing. As hours went by, worry consumed me as I imagined countless distressing scenarios. I knew he had two young boys, and the thought of something unfortunate happening to him filled me with dread. After midnight, I decided to contact the police. The nearby police station was alerted, and an inspector was dispatched to meet me.

Just as I received the call notifying me of the police's imminent arrival, I stepped out and couldn’t believe what I saw; the car parked with my driver blissfully sleeping inside. Initially, shock overwhelmed me, but it quickly turned into relief upon realizing that he was safe and sound. I woke him up and questioned why he was there, he explained that he had been waiting for me. Before we could proceed further, the police arrived, and I instructed him to call his wife while I spoke with the inspector. I explained the situation to the inspector, who found it amusing and left.

Then I tried to understand where and how this confusion occurred. I asked the driver about why he hadn't approached me earlier when he knew that his phone was not with him and his family would be worried if he did not reach home in time. He thought that he was supposed to wait outside because after he had refreshments I had told him to leave but not leave for home. So he assumed that he had to wait outside for me as I’ll be leaving soon to go back home. I felt terrible that he assumed that I would make him wait for so long without food and water. In the end, we served him a meal, and he rested for a while before leaving in the morning.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Sleep eluded me, and my mind raced with conflicting emotions. Was I to blame for not providing clear instructions? Or was he responsible for not seeking clarification?


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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Lost in Translation

Written by Vinny Arora

Today, I want to take you back in time. I was young and quite new to the teaching profession. Owing to being married to a defense officer, we got transferred to a city in Kerala. As we lived in the campus and fortunately I got a job in a well established boys school within days of being in the city , I had no real exposure to Malayalam. As a teacher who looks quite different from the typical stereotype, and with no prior exposure to Malayalam, I anticipated some challenges, but what transpired was beyond my imagination.

I stepped into my first class, brimming with enthusiasm and ready to introduce myself. After getting acquainted with the students' names, I delved into the fascinating world of History and Political Science. Little did I know that a simple word would lead to a cascade of confusion.

During the conversation, a student stood up and exclaimed, "ma'am, chumma!" Startled, I thought I misheard, attributing it to unfamiliarity. Minutes later, another student chimed in with the exact same phrase. This time, I couldn't ignore it, but I couldn't fathom why they would say "kiss" in Hindi during our discussion. Insecure and perplexed, I soldiered on, determined to complete the class.

As the class came to an end, once again, the notorious phrase echoed through the room, "ma'am, chumma!" Unable to contain my emotions, I hastily gathered my belongings and made a beeline for the staff room, struggling to hold back tears of frustration and confusion.

Upon entering the staff room, a fellow teacher approached me with genuine curiosity, asking about my first class. Unable to contain the overwhelming emotions, I blurted out the entire incident, expecting empathy. To my surprise, instead of consoling me, she burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Confused and slightly offended, I demanded an explanation. That's when she revealed the amusing truth: "chumma" in Malayalam means "just kidding" or "simply." My entire ordeal had been nothing more than a playful jest from the mischievous students!

Embarrassment turned into laughter, and I couldn't help but see the humor in the situation. After composing myself, I realized how important it is to be bilingual and have knowledge of the local language. Misunderstandings like these can easily occur when one lacks the linguistic proficiency to interpret the intended meaning.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

The Power of Desperation

Written by Nawika Sharma

Image by Viresh Studio

Sometimes we encounter situations where we have to think on our feet in order to achieve desired results. During my time as a communication trainer, I had a trainee who was a South Korean national working with a prominent Korean conglomerate. He was in the country for some time and my task was to teach him general Hindi phrases, so that he could interact with the staff at the company showrooms he had to visit.

As the training sessions neared their conclusion, the client expressed a desire to me that he wanted to witness a traditional Indian wedding before departing the country. Initially, I believed it would be an easy task, considering it was wedding season and assumed someone would have an invitation. I began reaching out to colleagues, ex-colleagues, distant relatives, and even those I preferred not to meet, in hopes of acquiring an invite. Unfortunately, none of them had an invitation, or perhaps they did not wish to extend one to me.

As the days passed and the client's departure date approached, my heart sank. It seemed he would have to return without fulfilling his wish. However, my landlady came to the rescue when she in passing mentioned to me about a wedding of her colleague's brother. I pleaded with her to secure an invitation, emphasizing the desperation of the situation. Realizing the urgency, she agreed to procure the invite.

Finally, the day arrived, and we all dressed up, ready to attend the wedding. I was residing in Noida at that time, and estimated it would take around hour n half to reach the venue. Considering the traffic, it might even stretch to 2 hours. Therefore, at around 7 p.m., we embarked on our journey, happily conversing. However, after three hours of travel, we had only covered half the distance. I had forgotten to account for the notorious wedding season traffic congestion in Delhi.

Sitting in the car, frustration building up, I realized that by the time we would reach our intended destination, the wedding celebrations would likely be over. Then, I noticed a venue hosting a wedding along the way, and a sudden thought struck me: why not attempt to gate-crash? It was something I had never done before. Convincing everyone and with my heart pounding, confidently entered the venue. I had a ready excuse prepared in case anyone inquired about our presence. We had a great time there enjoyed the delicious spread, took numerous pictures, and departed happily after an hour.

At the end of the day, my client left with cherished memories, his camera filled with happy pictures, and I was content knowing that we had created a truly memorable experience for him.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Empowering Higher Education in Small Towns

Written by Vinny Arora

As an educationist who recently relocated from Bangalore to Saharanpur, attending the conference of Principals of Inter-Colleges in this small town was a transformative experience. The discussion revolved around the challenges faced by educational institutions in providing quality higher education and retaining students. It also dawned on me that this is not only related to one city or town. It is a problem that is rampant in cities and towns across the country. The issue needs to be addressed as of yesterday. However, it is better late than never. 

One of the critical issues is the brain drain resulting from the lack of quality education and limited exposure opportunities. To tackle this challenge, educational institutions must prioritize enhancing the quality of education. Collaborating with renowned universities and establishing research and development centers can uplift the standard of education. By fostering industry-academia partnerships, students can gain practical exposure, bridging the gap between theory and real-world applications. While these seem far fetched solutions, through faculty training programs, the quality of education can be improved. 

Innovative teaching methods need to be emphasized as a means to engage students and enhance the learning experience. Faculty members should leverage technology, multimedia tools, and interactive platforms to make learning more engaging and meaningful. Project-based learning, experiential learning, and flipped classroom models are effective approaches to promote active student participation and develop critical thinking skills.

Addressing student disengagement, educational institutions should create a holistic learning environment. Organizing seminars, workshops, and interactive sessions can foster curiosity and critical thinking. Furthermore, offering extracurricular activities, clubs, and events will encourage students to explore their interests and develop a well-rounded personality.

Career counseling and skill development are vital to retaining students and preparing them for future success. Dedicated career counseling cells should provide personalized guidance, mentorship, and assistance with internships and job placements. Incorporating skill-focused courses, internships, and apprenticeships into the curriculum will equip students with practical skills aligned with industry demands, enhancing their employability. Personality development and making the students market ready with skills like communication, verbal and written is mandatory and will go a  long way in retaining the students in their towns.

Building collaborations and partnerships with industries, NGOs, and other educational institutions is imperative to bring new perspectives and resources to small towns like Saharanpur. These partnerships can facilitate guest lectures, workshops, and internships, providing students with exposure to real-world scenarios and industry trends. Mentorship programs with alumni can inspire students and foster a sense of community.

These efforts will nurture a generation of skilled individuals and contribute to the overall development of small towns and cities in the region.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

A Life Unchained

Written by Nawika Sharma

Vehicular bridge across the Koel River

In our lives, we encounter a few individuals whose stories are truly extraordinary and leave a lasting impression and in my life Kuhi Ramji, an illiterate man from Jharkhand is one of them. At first glance, there was nothing remarkable about his appearance—skinny, short, half of his teeth missing and weathered . But beneath his unassuming exterior lay a man with a unique zest for life.

Kuhi Ramji served as the cook at the campus where I conducted my training. His distinguishing feature was his brisk walking pace, which made him instantly recognizable from a distance. His usual attire consisted of a cloth draped around his shoulders, vest and a lungi, except on one special occasion.

One day I casually mentioned that I wanted to take his picture to send to Amitabh Bachchan, his beloved actor. To my surprise, Kuhi Ramji the next day appeared in a neatly dressed shirt and lungi, with his hair oiled and combed. He had made an extra effort for his beloved actor.

I indeed sent the photo to Mr. Bachchan's Twitter account mentioning that he was his die-hard fan from a remote village.

He lived on the outskirts of the campus and would arrive early in the morning. Through out the day he would not eat anything but he greatly enjoyed drinking tea. It was only in the afternoon, after cooking lunch, that he would return home to eat after bathing and praying. In the evening, he would come back to prepare snacks and dinner before finally leaving late at night.

During our interactions, Kuhi Ramji shared tales from his youth, and I was enthralled by the life he had led. With his culinary skills as his ticket, he embarked on a journey across the country. Travelling without a ticket, he hopped on trains heading to various destinations, cleverly evading ticket collectors and finding work in different cities. Generally he found work at the Halwai shops, most of the times the food and accommodation were provided for and the pay was decent. He only needed money for two things Tobacco and his first love Hindi movies. Every Friday he took an off from work to indulge in back to back cinema shows. From Lucknow to Delhi, to Benaras to Kolkata, he drifted from one place to another, but one thing remained constant his love for cinema.

I discovered that Kuhi Ramji possessed a melodious voice when I heard him singing while he cooked. In one conversation, he shared an interesting incident with me. He told me he had the opportunity to travel to Bombay (now Mumbai) with a local band. However, as he walked onto the stage and saw the crowd, he suddenly felt overwhelmed with fear and ran away.

He had led a transient life so I was intrigued to know why he was at the campus. When I asked him about it, he explained that he had become tied down after getting married, a decision he never truly desired but was swayed by his family's influence. Despite this he had a beloved daughter whom he cared deeply for, and he worried about her future prospects. He often told me that once his daughter was married, he would leave everything behind and go back to the life he led.

What fascinated me was the fact that he simply went to the railway station, boarded whichever train was available, never giving it a thought of how he would survive and carved out his own path in life.

I was in awe of his sense of freedom, belief in his own self, survival instinct and independence. This illiterate man possessed a confidence in his own abilities and approached life with a carefree attitude, blending it with hard work and street smarts. It made me question our own lives, how many of us can claim the same level of confidence and abandon that he embraced?

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

A Journey To Serenity

Written by Nawika Sharma

Koel River

A few years ago, when I was trying to establish my career, I was presented with an opportunity that would turn into a long association and forever left a lasting impression. I was offered the chance to conduct a month-long training session for a prominent Indian MNC. The catch? The session would take place at their central training academy situated in a village in Jharkhand—a place I knew little about, moreover there was not much positive news circulating about the state itself. Nevertheless, driven by my determination to seize the contract, I took the risk and embarked on this venture alone without hesitation. Looking back now, I can confidently affirm that it was one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made.

The journey to the village was a 12-hour train ride and it reached in the wee hours of the morning, someone from the company was there to receive me. Situated on the banks of the Koel River, the campus was just a ten-minute drive away. My accommodation for the duration of the training was provided in the company guesthouse within the campus. As it was still early morning upon arrival, I took the opportunity to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Refreshed and rejuvenated after breakfast, I set out to explore my new surroundings, and it was then that the true essence of the place dawned on me.

As I stood on the threshold of the guesthouse observing the buzz of activity all around, I felt the underlying tranquility that pervaded the air. It was as if the place possessed its own innate energy, radiating a sense of peace and calmness that gradually enveloped me with each passing day. The guesthouse was located in the heart of the campus along the main road. The road was flanked by magnificent Mango trees on both sides. Stepping outside the gate to the left, I was greeted by a meticulously maintained garden, adorned with two enchanting gazebos covered in lush creepers. On the right side of the road, a sprawling ground came to life with morning and evening activities. Continuing past the guesthouse, the road led to the classrooms, hostels, and a small residential area for the staff.

Right opposite the guesthouse I saw a a pathway, intrigued by the possibilities that lay ahead, I ventured off and discovered —a small pond teeming with fish, nestled amidst a cluster of Guava trees and other variety of trees. Continuing along the road, I eventually stumbled upon a Sarvdharm temple, gracefully poised above a meandering stream. The temple, a symbol of peace and unity, added to the overall serenity of the surroundings.

Railway Bridge across Koel River

The campus was on the banks of Koel river, spanning the width of the Koel River were two bridges. The first was an old, majestic railway bridge that witnessed a handful of trains passing through each day, while for the rest of the time, it served as a pathway for pedestrians. Though it appeared deceptively easy from a distance, when I tried to walk across, it was scary as there were missing planks and I had to retreat after a few steps . Nonetheless, the bridge stood as a testament to its enduring strength and grandeur, having withstood the test of time. The second bridge, connected the village to the nearby market and railway station, presenting scenes of vehicles in motion and a steady flow of pedestrians going about their daily activities.

During the scorching summer months, the Koel River would often run dry, yet when the rainy season arrived, its waters would swell, occasionally flooding parts of the campus. I had arrived when it was not fully dry and in the midst of the riverbed, a circle of rocks emerged creating a tranquil lagoon. Like clockwork, every afternoon, a group of schoolboys would gather by the lagoon to enjoy a dip. It served as their meeting point, and their laughter and chatter would reverberate through the stillness of the surroundings.

As dusk descended, a symphony of insects serenaded the air, accompanied by the return of birds to their nests. Surprisingly, despite the lack of television and a less-than-ideal internet connection, I found no desire for external distractions. Instead, I reveled in the simplicity and tranquility that surrounded me. Moreover, amidst my stay, I fell in love with a culinary masterpiece known as Litti Chokha. This mouth-watering delicacy was expertly prepared by Kuhi Ramji (the cook) and I can vouch for it nobody can replicate his flavours and textures.

 The outskirts of the campus, bore a striking resemblance to the moors portrayed in Emily Brontë's "Wuthering Heights." The languid pace of life within its borders lured one into believing that no existence extended beyond its idyllic confines. Yet, the occasional passage of a night train, its windows ablaze with light, served as a gentle reminder of life beyond this tranquil haven.

I have been to this campus repeatedly and every time when I visit it reminds me that profound beauty can be found in simplicity, and that sometimes the most rewarding experiences came from venturing off the beaten path.


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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

The Japanese Work Ethic

Written by Nawika Sharma

Mount Fuji pic by JJ Ying

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of meeting individuals from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Among them, the Japanese have left an indelible mark on me. One common trait that consistently amazed me and shed light on why Japan is one of the most developed nations in the world is their unwavering commitment towards work and their profound respect for time. The level of dedication and reverence they exhibit towards both their companies and work as well as attention to detail is unparalleled. Experiencing this first hand on multiple occasions has made me realize that if we, as a nation, aspire to progress, we must all embrace and embody this quality in our lives.

To emphasize this point, allow me to share an anecdote without revealing the individual involved. I was invited by a Japanese firm, in India, to train a senior member who would be in the country for six months. The training sessions focused on English communication and Indian culture. As the sessions progressed, a strong working relationship developed between us. However, one day I noticed that he seemed uncomfortable, frequently excusing himself and stepping out every 10 or 15 minutes. Concerned, I inquired about his well-being. He assured me that he was fine, but when this pattern repeated itself several times, I delved deeper and discovered that he was suffering from a stomach flu.

Suggesting that we could suspend the session and that he should take a day off however, he adamantly refused. Growing increasingly worried, I decided to inform his training coordinator about the situation. The coordinator promptly contacted the company headquarters in Japan to explain the circumstances. Shortly afterward, my trainee received a call from his HR department, granting him permission to take a day off, effectively concluding the training session.

During our subsequent meeting, he expressed gratitude for my concern, prompting me to ask why he had not left the session immediately upon falling ill. His response struck a chord within me. He explained that his company had invested a considerable amount of money in his training, and he considered it his duty to give his best, even when faced with adversity.

 This incident remains etched in my memory, and it is not an isolated occurrence. Repeatedly, during my interactions and training sessions with the Japanese, I have witnessed their deep sense of commitment to their work, their profound respect for time, and their sense of responsibility towards their workplace. These exemplary qualities have left an enduring impression on me, reinforcing the importance of embodying such values in our professional and personal lives.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

Seven More Shots Please

Written by Vinny Arora

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm X

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, educators play a pivotal role in shaping the minds and hearts of their students. It is no longer sufficient for educators to focus solely on academic instruction; they must also address the emotional, social, ethical, and holistic needs of their students. 

Therefore, equipping teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge is essential to create a coherent learning format that fosters the overall development of students. Thus, Holistic Growth as a course of capsules would comprise of the following components: 

Understanding the Curriculum:

A curriculum acts as a guide for educators, outlining the expected learning outcomes for students in a specific period. By comprehending the curriculum, teachers can align their teaching strategies and design effective classroom experiences. This knowledge empowers educators to transform a mere syllabus into an engaging and meaningful learning journey that goes beyond rote memorization.

The UbD Framework and Backward Design:

The UbD (Understanding by Design) framework emphasizes teaching and assessing for understanding and learning transfer. It advocates for a backward design process, where educators start with the end goals in mind and then plan the curriculum and assessments accordingly. This approach ensures that students not only acquire knowledge but also develop the skills and abilities necessary to apply that knowledge in real-life situations.

Moving Beyond Traditional Testing:

Assessing for learning should not be confined to traditional testing methods that rely solely on recall of facts and information. Educators need to shift their focus to alternative assessment strategies that promote deeper understanding, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By incorporating formative assessments, project-based assessments, and performance tasks, teachers can evaluate students' abilities to apply their knowledge in practical contexts.

Effective Instructional Strategies:

Instruction refers to the methods and strategies teachers use inside the classroom to facilitate learning. An excellent classroom experience relies on well-planned lessons that engage students and promote active participation. Educators need to explore and employ innovative teaching methods, such as project-based learning, flipped classrooms, and gamification, to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

Building Positive Student-Teacher Relationships:

Positive relationships between teachers and students are crucial for a conducive learning environment. When students feel valued, understood, and supported, they become more motivated and driven to learn. By investing time and effort in building strong connections with their students, teachers can create a safe and nurturing space that fosters academic growth and personal development.

Classroom Management Practices:

Effective classroom management is essential for creating an environment of excellence and learning. Teachers need to establish routines, set clear expectations, and manage behavior in a way that supports student engagement and participation. By implementing proactive strategies, educators can prevent disruptions, promote a positive classroom culture, and ensure that every student feels included and valued.

Integration of Technology:

In the digital age, technology has become an indispensable tool for learning. Educators need to embrace technology and learn how to integrate it effectively into their teaching practices. By leveraging educational technology tools, teachers can enhance instruction, provide personalized learning experiences, and engage students in new and exciting ways.

Holistic growth is a necessity for teachers to meet the ever-expanding demands of education. Through their dedication and continuous learning, educators can truly ignite the fire of lifelong learning in their students' hearts.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

The Hilarious FaceTime Fiasco

Written by Vinny Arora

Picture this: a beautiful beach, the gentle lapping of waves, and the company of three adventurous friends on a much-needed vacation, seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. One of them was me. After a day of fun in the sun, two of my friends decided to stay up late on the beach, while I, tired and in need of rest, headed back to our room. With the sound of crashing waves as my lullaby, I drifted into a deep slumber, oblivious to the comedic chaos that was about to unfold.

Around 4 in the morning, I awoke, groggy and disoriented, only to find that my friends were nowhere to be seen. Panic washed over me like a tidal wave. Thoughts raced through my mind as I frantically searched the room for any clue of their whereabouts. It was a real-life game of hide and seek, with me on the verge of losing my mind.

In a desperate attempt to contact them, I reached for my phone and began dialing their numbers. Ring after ring, there was no response. My heart pounded faster with each unanswered call. I was teetering on the edge of sheer panic.

Just as my stress reached its peak, a glimmer of hope emerged. One of my friends finally called back. After a heated exchange of words out of frustration and fear, we discovered the source of our communication mishap. I had been calling them using FaceTime, oblivious to the fact that the lack of internet connectivity was rendering my calls useless. Oh, the irony!

In that moment of realization, a wave of laughter washed over us. The panic that had consumed me was now replaced with amusement. It was a lightbulb moment—a reminder that unnecessary stress and anxiety do not lead to solutions. Instead, they cloud our judgment and hinder our ability to find answers.

The view was breathtaking but in my panic state of mind I could’nt enjoy it

As we sat there, laughing at our misfortune, I couldn't help but marvel at the valuable lesson this incident had taught us.In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, taking breaks and zooming out is vital. It allows us to gain new perspectives, recharge our energy, and approach challenges with a fresh mindset. The incident served as a reminder that sometimes, stepping back and looking at a situation from a different angle is the key to finding solutions and avoiding unnecessary stress.

As I reflect on that hilarious FaceTime fiasco, I am grateful for the lesson it imparted. Breaks are not just moments of relaxation; they are opportunities to gain clarity, change our thought process, and find new insights.

So, my dear readers, the next time you find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of stress, take a step back and remember the importance of breaks. Embrace the unexpected with a sense of humor, for it is in these moments of laughter and lightheartedness that we discover the power of a changed perception and renewed zest for life.

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Nawika Sharma Nawika Sharma

From Oversight to Ordeal

Written by Nawika Sharma

Life has a way of thrusting us into unexpected and complicated situations without any fault of our own. I'm currently experiencing one of those challenging predicaments where I feel trapped between my parents and government regulations.

A few years ago, when life moved at a leisurely pace and the concept of Digital India was yet to take hold, my father made a small investment. However, as time went by, he became engrossed in his work, and the investment slipped from his memory. As it happens in small towns, people know one another, minor discrepancies in paperwork were often overlooked, and life went on blissfully unaware.

However, with the advent of the digital age, what was once a trivial matter suddenly transformed into a headache. While sorting through our family business documents, I stumbled upon the lost investment papers and immediately shared the discovery with my father. Although he vaguely remembered it, he advised me to visit the bank and meet the concerned person. And so, my ordeal began.

What I initially believed would be a straightforward matter turned out to be a tangled web of complications due to insufficient documentation. Over the past six months, I've found myself running from one department to another, chasing countless signatures, and even contemplating giving up on the investment altogether.

Through this challenging journey, I've come to realize the paramount importance of proper documentation, even if it sounds cliché. The lack of it has led to frustration, wasted time, and unnecessary hurdles. However, amidst this adversity, I remain determined to find a resolution.

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